March 07, 2022 - Germany

March 07, 2022 - Germany
Under the direction of innovation researcher Nikolaus Franke, the companies are examined on the basis of more than 100 indicators in the five categories of innovation-promoting top management, innovation climate, innovative processes and organisation, external orientation/open innovation and innovation success. Basically, the analysis is about the question of whether a company’s innovations are just a product of chance or are systematically planned and thus repeatable in the future. Among other things, questions such as ‘To what extent is a company oriented towards innovation?’ or ‘How consistently do its structures follow this goal?’ are examined, the company said in a press release.
ThermHex receives the award for the first time and thus positions itself as a pioneer in the composite industry. Based in the plastics processing industry, ThermHex has been producing honeycomb cores made of polypropylene in Halle since 2010. The honeycomb cores are used as core material in sandwich panels and lightweight components and enormously reduce the weight of components. They enable sustainable yet affordable construction with an optimal strength-to-weight ratio, making them more in demand than ever. Whether for the production of panels for truck side walls, in ship interior, in automobile interiors, in caravans, prefabricated bathrooms or for modern swimming pools, the honeycomb cores from ThermHex are versatile. Internationally, the lightweight construction specialist is at the top of the market and generates 95 per cent of its sales abroad.
Thanks to the specially developed and globally patented continuous production process, the honeycomb cores and sandwich panels for lightweight construction products can be produced particularly economically. Conventional honeycomb cores are produced in several complex steps and cut from the block. In the ThermHex production process, on the other hand, the honeycomb cores are produced continuously in a single highly efficient production line.
“I am pleased about the appreciation of our innovative strength. We are constantly working to further optimise our honeycomb cores and production process to produce honeycomb cores that make our customers even more competitive. I am very proud of my team and the award. It is something special to be among the 100 most innovative companies in Germany,” Ing. Jochen Pflug, managing director of ThermHex, said in a statement.