June 02, 2023 - Germany

June 02, 2023 - Germany
While the company's earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) amounted to €176 million, and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) reached €394 million, both figures align closely with the levels of FY21, which recorded an EBIT of €191 million and EBITDA of €419 million. In FY22, the company’s EBIT margin was 3.7 per cent, Mann+Hummel said in a media release.
“The challenging year 2022 has once again shown that Mann+Hummel is crisis-proof and future-oriented at the same time,” said Kurk Wilks, President and CEO of the Mann+Hummel.
“In an environment that remains challenging, we keep on strengthening our international presence and continue on our path of sustainably transforming our organisation. With our absolute focus on filtration and separation solutions in the areas of transportation and life sciences and environment, we will be able to speed up and further solidify our transformation,‘’ said Emese Weissenbacher, chief financial officer and executive vice president.