October 29, 2021 - Sweden

October 29, 2021 - Sweden
OrganoClick has developed binders adapted for these applications which have now been used successfully in the production of the nonwoven material and in the final production of hygienic wipes, the company said in a press release.
The collaboration with the Finnish nonwoven manufacturer Sharpcell has been going on for several years with production tests carried out in recent years. Together with their customer Finess Hygiene, the focus for the past 1.5 years has been on producing 100 per cent biobased and compostable nonwoven materials for hygienic wipes for the healthcare sector and consumers.
After the final optimisation and implementation in production, a commercialisation of the new nonwoven products will be the next step. This disclosure contains information that OrganoClick AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014).
“It is a big step forward for us in this project that affects a completely different application area than what we previously developed binders for. The next step is to make certain optimisations, continue the scaling up and ensure a consistent quality in production,” Mårten Hellberg, CEO OrganoClick said in a statement.