August 20, 2021 - Germany

August 20, 2021 - Germany
Whether its fibre, yarn or fabric dyeing, our machines utilise soft-flow mechanics that help impart superior hand-feel and uniform appearance of the finished fabric. In the case of fabric dyeing, pathways are shortened and contoured to follow smooth profiles, minimising surface abrasion and tension.
Likewise, yarn dyeing machines incorporate gradual ramping of pressure within yarn packages for uniform bulk and texture during dyeing and drying. The result is high throughput speeds without sacrificing end-product aesthetics and quality.
With labour shortages stifling the growth of domestic fabric producers, the drive towards automation cannot happen fast enough. Thies offers a suite of labour-conserving options that can be used in isolation or combination. Customised examples include automated dye weighing, dissolving, and distribution; hands-free dispensing of auxiliary chemicals to dye machines or blending tanks; and machine controls that seamlessly tailor production parameters according to the textile quality and lot size. Machines are optionally networked for ease of managing and monitoring production.
At the core of Thies’ innovations is environmental stewardship of natural resources. In addition to reducing water consumption, benefits include reduced effluent, and up to 50 per cent reduced TDS (total dissolved solids) in dye bath effluent compared to conventional systems dyeing cotton.
Additionally, by readjusting the used amount of electrolyte in the dyebath, it is possible to achieve higher dye fixation rates and thus use less dyestuff. The company’s energy recovery system reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Dyehouses experience over 20 per cent savings in energy cost, and often witness paybacks less than twelve months.
Thies is also enabling the use of electricity derived from green energy sources (solar and wind) by designing machines that can, optionally, be heated electrically rather than with steam produced by burning fuels.
Thies will exhibit its products at Booth 1515 at Techtextil.