October 14, 2022 - United States Of America

October 14, 2022 - United States Of America
The RoboSkin finger’s 80 sensors are located within two mm of each other, with each sensor featuring a greater than 80dB response rate and measuring four grams to 50 kg (.14 oz to 110 lb) for data far superior to the capability of a human finger. Since the Robo-Finger is based on BeBop’s fabric sensing technology, the dimensions and behaviour are highly customisable by Bebop, much like a tailor fitting a suit, the company said in a press release.
Advances in robotics, such as vision and language, are missing a key element – the sense of touch, essential for practical human/robot interaction. As robots are quickly becoming part of our world, they need to interact and learn by sense of touch and feel. Flexible, reliable, and highly proprietary, BeBop Sensors’ RoboSkin provides this essential touch factor, with millions of sensors in daily use throughout the world and over 33 US and international patents.
The RoboSkin Robo-Finger Sensor evaluation system is available immediately to qualified customers. The evaluation system comes with the BeBop Sensors’ Chrome app that supports recording of all data, the ability to apply signal processing, full 2D and 3D visualisation, as well as streaming raw or processed data to a Web Socket port. Customised configurations are available.
“A growing number of companies are designing humanoid robots that can fit in the home and use human tools. We have been working with these roboticists refining our Robo-Finger for three years. We are pleased we can make this important contribution to the worldwide effort to bring humanoid robots into our lives to help people live longer, healthier, and more enjoyable lives,” BeBop Sensors’ founder and CTO, Keith McMillen, said.
“We can give any part of a robot tactile response. The finger was the most challenging, so we started there. We are seeking partners, researchers, and funders to advance the uses of fabric sensing,” BeBop Sensors’ CEO Francois Jeanneau, said.