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Textiles are no more limited for use as apparelsclothing. With the rapid changes in the social economic structure of oursociety, textiles enhancing the quality of human life trough protection againstvarious hazards as well as adverse environment. Technical textiles are thefastest growing area of textile consumption in the world. As per the marketsurvey, it has projected an average growth rate of 4% for technical textilesduring the period 1995-2005.

In most of the developed countries, technicaltextiles already account for 4% of the total textile production. Even in manydeveloping countries, the proportion is well above 10%. At present, India'scontribution in this area is negligible at about 0.2%. However, due tocompetition from neighboring countries ad emerging economic power, India hastremendous potential for production, consumption and export of technicaltextile. In the circumstances, textiles are playing major role through itsdiversified applications and undoubtedly, the future of this technical textilesappears to be bright. Key categories of technical textiles are medicaltextiles, protective textiles, agricultural textiles, geo textiles, automotivetextiles, smart textiles and industrial textiles.

Technicaltextiles are the textiles in which more technicalities are involved. It has lotof advantageous in numerous aspects. Among these aspects agrotextiles,automotive textiles, geo textiles, medical textiles, protective textiles, smarttextiles. To read more,

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