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Engineering Use of Textiles in Geotextile
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Engineering Use of Textiles in Geotextile

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Geotextilesused in civil engineering applications are expected to carry out one or morefunctions over if given design life. There are five defined functions, theseare; drainage, separation, filtration, protection and reinforcement.Geotextiles are normally manufactured by either woven or non-woven techniques.The functional requirements of the geotextile in a given application will determinethe performance properties required, and any assessment of the productsdurability will be based on the degradation of these properties over a giventime.

Geotextilesparticularly refers to permeable fabric or synthetic material, woven ornon-woven, which can be used with geotechnical engineering material. They applyto a broad range of civil engineering construction, paving, drainage and otherapplications. Geotextiles are extensively used with soil, rock, earth or anyother geotechnical engineering-related material.


Priorto 1988, geotextiles were called plastic filler cloth or filter fabric. Becauseof the increase in the number of products being manufactured to be used asfilter cloth, the specifications were revised. This material is now identifiedas Geotextile.

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About the Authors:

Tripti Basant is a research scholar at the Department ofClothing & Textiles, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture &Tethnology, Pantnagar

Shahnaz Jahan is the Professor and Head of Department ofClothing & Textiles at the Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture& Tethnology, Pantnagar

This article wasoriginally published in the Textile Review magazine, November, 2012, publishedby Saket Projects Limited, Ahmedabad.


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