Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>2699</Id><Name>Mrs Ayodya Kavitha, K. Shreyas & K.VijayaLakshmi</Name></Author></Authors>

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>2699</Id><Name>Mrs Ayodya Kavitha, K. Shreyas & K.VijayaLakshmi</Name></Author></Authors>
Glassfibre is a special type of synthetic fibre. It is also known as fibre glassthat is a material consisting of numerous extremely fine fibres of glass. It isvery strong fibre. The versatility of glass as a fibre makes it uniqueindustrial textile material. Glass fibre in fabric form offers an excellentcombination of properties from high strength to fire resistance.
Glassfibres exhibit useful bulk properties such as hardness, transparency,resistance to chemical attack, stability, and inertness, as well as desirablefibre properties such as strength, flexibility, and stiffness. Glass fibres areused in the manufacture of structural composites, printed circuit boards and awide range of special-purpose products. It is used to make flame proof, waterproof fabrics, high performance aircraft (gliders), boats, automobiles, baths,hot tubs, water tanks, roofing, pipes, cladding, casts, surfboards and externaldoor skins.