Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1976</Id><Name>Jimmy K C Lam and Ron Postle</Name></Author></Authors>

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1976</Id><Name>Jimmy K C Lam and Ron Postle</Name></Author></Authors>
Theapplication of Fabric Objective Measurement (FOM) to fabric hand in terms ofprimary hand values and total hand value [1, 2] has several limitations.Firstly, the result of hand value can be by judgment (native or expert).Secondly, the interpretation of hand value (smoothness, stiffness or softness)is different from one country to another and therefore, the results obtainedcannot be universally applied to different countries. [3] Thirdly, fabricobjective measurement using the KES-F instruments is derived purely from fabriclow-stress mechanical parameters in terms of tensile, bending, shear,compression and surface properties. The lack of visual, physiological andpsychological assessments makes the interpretation of fabric hand value somewhatabstract.
Theapplication of Fabric Objective Measurement (FOM) in the textile and apparelsupply chain in this paper, will be analysed by a comparative study oflow-stress mechanical properties for light weight wool and wool blend fabrics andthis fabric is intended for high quality mens suiting material. The objectivesof this study are to determine the major mechanical properties of these fabricscommonly found in the textile and apparel supply chain. Fabrics were analysedin relation to their fibre composition, fabric construction as well as theirmechanical parameters.
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This article was originally published in the advances in fibrousmaterials, nonwoven and technical textiles conference, (AFINT 2006), August2006, India.
About the Founders:
Jimmy K C Lam is associated with the Institute of Textiles& Clothing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
RonPostle is associated with the School of Chemistry, University of New SouthWales, Sydney 2052, Australia.