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Ultraviolet protection properties of knitted bamboo & cotton fabric produced insingle jersey and rib structure were discussed. Yarns of 40 Ne 100% bamboo and 100%cotton were used for producing these fabric samples. All these fabric sampleswere produced on single jersey & rib knitting machine with selected fabricspecifications such as wales/cm, course/cm, stitch density & loop lengthetc. Yarns of 40 Ne 100% bamboo and 100% cotton were tested for physicalproperties and factors influencing ultra violet protection properties of singlejersey & rib fabric produced from bamboo & cotton were studied. Alltype of fabric samples were tested for protection properties such as UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) etc. It was found that, Bamboo yarn is showing significantlyhigher strength and elongation than cotton yarn and it also shows significantlylower hairiness. Cotton fabric shows higher bursting strength than bamboofabric. It shows 42.85 % and 40 % respectively higher bursting strength thanbamboo fabric in both structures. But, in case of rib structure bamboo fabricis showing 20.02 % higher UPF than cotton, higher UPF of bamboo fabric can beattributed to its ultra violet radiation resistant characteristics.
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Aboutthe Author:
AjayRathod & Dr. Avinash Kolhatkar are associated with the Department ofTextile Engineering Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering and TechnologyYavatmal, Maharastra
This article wasoriginally published in the Textile Review magazine, January, 2013, publishedby Saket Projects Limited, Ahmedabad.