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Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>200</Id><Name /></Author></Authors>
Someamounts of ultraviolet radiation are beneficial for humans but excessiveexposure can cause many negative health effects to the skin and eyes and alsocan affect the immune system. Exposed area of skin should be covered by workingclothes with low UVR transmission. It concerns both exposure to natural UV orprolonged exposure to artificial UV. This article presents some aspects of sunprotective textile clothing for workers exposed to natural and artificial UVradiation. This article presents results of selected textile samplestransmittances and calculated UPF and new proposed AUPF, which describesprotective properties against UV of textiles. The UPF and AUPF differsubstantially between each other, what are related both to the weightingfactors of erythema and Actinic efficiency functions and spectral range ofthese functions.
Inthe last two decades, the media and the scientific community have highlightedthe depletion of the ozone layer and the resulting elevation in the levels ofultra-violet radiation (UVR) reaching the earth's surface. In the recent years,consumers have become increasingly aware of the need for sun protection, whichis related to the incidence of sun induced skin damage and its relationship toincreased exposures to UV light.
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This article was originally published in the Textile Review magazine,January, 2013, published by Saket Projects Limited, Ahmedabad.
Aboutthe Author:
Landage S.M. and SapkalP.P. are associated with the D. K. T. E. Society's Textile & EngineeringInstitute, Ichalkaranji