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Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>200</Id><Name /></Author></Authors>
Thisreport covers the specific areas of outdoors/sports textiles and medicaltextiles enhanced by nanotechnology. In the textile sector three main segmentsare distinguished: apparel (fashion), interior textiles and technical textiles.In Europe, the value distribution for the year 2008 was the following: apparel37%, interior 33% and technical textiles 30%. In general, during recent decadesthe technical textiles segment has seen the strongest growth; for exampleduring the period 19952005 the value of this market has grown from Euros 65 toEuros 85 billion. In terms of tonnage (not value) Europe is not the largestmarket for advanced technical textiles; Asia consumes 8.5 million tonnes, abouthalf of global technical textile production, whereas US and Europe consume 5.8million and 4.8 million tonnes respectively In Europe four countries consumeabout half of the technical textiles in terms of value: Germany, France, the UKand Italy The technical textiles industry in Germany is 45% of the textileindustry, compared to 30% in France, 30% in the UK and 12% in Italy
Nonconventional advanced technical textiles are high added value products andrepresent, at the moment, a limited portion of technical textiles sector.However, they are expected to grow steadily in the forthcoming future,progressively gaining a larger share in terms of both volume and value, in alarge variety of sectors including medical textiles and sports/ outdoorstextiles.
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This article wasoriginally published in the New Cloth Market magazine, January, 2012.