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Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>200</Id><Name /></Author></Authors>
Theimportance of textile filter media in air filtration is to control airpollution. Air filtration plays an important factor in improving air qualityand hygiene at work. The demands on air quality and hygiene at workplaces haveincreased greatly due to new regulations, new scientific knowledge and also achange in health consciousness. Apart from temperature and relative humidity,primarily the concentration of gaseous and solid contaminants is an importantparameter to evaluate the air at workplaces. There exists a multitude ofpossibilities to improve the air quality. Filters made of nonwovens aresuitable to effectively collect particles (dust) from intake or exhaust air andhave therefore been used for this purpose.
Themultitude of different workplaces ranging from workshops, manufacturing halls,control stands to offices; schools etc. Main application areas for textilefilter media are aerospace, automotives, bioclean, disk drives, flat panels,food, hospitals, medical devices, pharmaceuticals and other electronics.
Thetransportation industry, the average automobile has 12-14 different types offilters and vents. Locations include the crankcase, gas tank, fuel Iine, engineair in-take, transmission, air bag inflator system and head and tail lamps andelectrical motor vents. Cabin air filters have now found their way in somemodels, especially in Europe.
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This article was originally published in the Textile Reviewmagazine, July, 2012, published by Saket Projects Limited, Ahmedabad.
About the Authors:
Richa Tiwari, Md SamsuAlam & Shyam Barhanpurkar are Assistant Professors at the Dept. of TextileTechnology, Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science, Indore