Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>200</Id><Name /></Author></Authors>
Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>200</Id><Name /></Author></Authors>
Thefuture of textiles is very unpredictable due to day by day innovations in thevarious fields of textiles such as composite textiles and one such example is ThreeDimensional Fabrics such as Multi-Layer,Orthogonal, Domed, Nodal, Spacer Fabrics, etc. These 3d fabrics haveversatile physical & structural attributes and various application scopesin specialty industrial fabrics, medical technology,aero space applications and so on. 3D fabrics havewide methods in terms of manufacturing processes like
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About the Authors:
Ashish Hulle, SidharthaPatil, Akshay Bohara & Vivek Bharamkar are associated with
(Note: This paper wasalso published in Textile Review Journal in Vol. 7; Issue 3 March 2012 page no.22-26 & 13.)