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Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>200</Id><Name /></Author></Authors>
Objectiveof the research is to prepare the nanoscale cellulose powder from waste fibresby ball milling process. And to study the reinforcement of obtainednanocellulose in the packaging applications for PLA, PVA, etc type ofbiodegradable polymers.
Goalsof packaging is to prevent chemical or microbial damage, prevent flaking orcrumbling, easier to recycle, add color or gloss.
Keyproblems in food packaging applications are rancidity (oxidation of unsaturatedfats & oils, UV induced oxidation), stale (moisture gain), dehydration(moisture loss), flavor loss (scalping).
Solutionof the above problem is the Nanocomposites. Near molecular level, materialexhibits considerable improvements in physical, mechanical, chemical,biological, optical, electronic and the like properties. Even in small quantitycauses considerable enhancement in desirable attributes of the ultimateend-product. The material works by introducing nanocrystals into theplastic that essentially create maze from which gas molecules find it difficultto pass. To read more,
This article wasoriginally presented at Textiles - A Decade Ahead 2011 in PHD House NewDelhi. The North India Section of the Textile Institute (NISTI) and Department ofTextile Technology, IIT Delhi jointly organized this conference. The author ofthis article Vijay Baheti, Miroslava Marsalkova, Jiri Militky is associatedwith Department of Textile Materials, Faculty of Textile Engineering, TechnicalUniversity of Liberec, Czech Republic.