Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1624</Id><Name>Fibre2Fashion</Name><FriendlyName>fibre2fashion</FriendlyName></Author></Authors>

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1624</Id><Name>Fibre2Fashion</Name><FriendlyName>fibre2fashion</FriendlyName></Author></Authors>
The global consumption of technical textiles is expectedto grow from USD 92 bn in 2000 to USD 127 Bn by 2010 at the rate of 4.8 % perannum. Presently major producers of technical textiles are in developedcountries out of which USA, Europe and Japan comprise about 70 %. Although,globally there has been significant growth of technical textiles in thedeveloped countries, large investments have been made in the recent past in thedeveloping countries also in this highly specialized and technology driven area.The production of technical textiles in India is miniscule as it requires hugeinvestments for developing the specialized fibre for technical textiles,technology know-how and production facilities. It is in this context that therole of standards for various specialized design, functional and technicalrequirements for these textiles needs no emphasis.