Introduction to Soft Floor Coverings - Carpets & Rugs
Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1624</Id><Name>Fibre2Fashion</Name><FriendlyName>fibre2fashion</FriendlyName></Author></Authors>
This article gives a brief idea aboutSoft Floor coverings and its uses, what is a carpet and for what it is usedfor, and the types of rugs and its usage in the soft floor coverings. It alsocontains some information about various fibres and yarns used in the carpetsand rugs, Types of carpets and the methods of laying the carpets for floorings.Tools and techniques for carpet fitting, etc. This article also contains theother details like maintenance and care of carpets and the use of carpets overthe floorings.
Generally,the information about carpets and its methodologies can be found scattered invarious sources, here in this article I tried to collect such information andpresented in a better way so that it will be useful for anyone who are interestedin knowing about carpets and floor coverings and its methodologies. It is moreof a Home Textile related content and I hope that this article is filled withenough information about the soft floor coverings will be helpful in many ways.
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