Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1624</Id><Name>Fibre2Fashion</Name><FriendlyName>fibre2fashion</FriendlyName></Author></Authors>

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1624</Id><Name>Fibre2Fashion</Name><FriendlyName>fibre2fashion</FriendlyName></Author></Authors>
Currently,Insect-repellents are most widely used in India for protection against insectsand other parasites. Owing to the various diseases caused by insects (e.g.Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Typhoid, etc.), the demand forinsect-repellents in cream, liquid and spray form is increasing every year.However, none of the currently available products (i.e. insect-repellentlotion, cream, spray and coil) is friendly for frequent travelers, as it doesnot provide any guidance regarding quantity to be applied for maximuminsect-repellency. Additionally, the packing is not optimized and suitable fortravel and tourism industry.
Thisproject aims to develop a cost-effective disposable insect-repellent wipe forthe Indian travel and tourism market. The wipe has also been optimized as perdifferent age groups and body parts. The Spunlace nonwoven materials are beingused for the initial feasibility study. The proposed formulations are beingoptimized so that each wipe provides maximum insect-repellency and sufficienttime to the user before it dries up. An innovative way of incorporatinginsect-repellents to the nonwoven substrate has been studied in order toprovide a longer insect-free time to the user. The feasibility study alsoincorporates application of dry insect-repellent formulations, which can betriggered by impregnating in water while applying on skin. This will reduce thecost of transportation and increase the shelf life of our newly developedwipes. Additionally, a herbal insect-repellent, neem, has alsobeen tested which can be used by persons having sensitive skin.