Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1525</Id><Name>Dr.Ruma Chakrabarti, K.Gowri & R.Senthil Kumar</Name></Author></Authors>

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1525</Id><Name>Dr.Ruma Chakrabarti, K.Gowri & R.Senthil Kumar</Name></Author></Authors>
Agricultureis the largest industry in the world. Today, agriculture, horticulture area hasrealized the need of tomorrow and opting for various technologies to get higheroverall yield, quality and tasty agro products. Adopting the hi-tech farmingtechnique, where textile structures are used, could enhance quality and overallyield of agro-products. Textile structures in various forms are used in shadehouse/ poly house, green house and also in open fields to control environmentalfactors like, temperature, water and humidity. It also avoids agro productsdamage from wind, rain and birds. Agro textiles like sunscreen, bird netwindshield, mulch mat, hail protection net, harvesting net, etc can be used forachieving the above goal. Crop protection and weed control are the majorchallenges faced by the farmers in the agriculture industry. Textile industryis the second largest industry next to agriculture. Agro textiles contribute 8%share in the technical textiles break up. The usage of agro textiles will bebenefited in terms of products with enhanced quality, higher yields fewerdamages and bearable losses. This paper emphasizes the application of agrotextiles in various areas of agriculture and horticulture.
The word "Agro textiles" now is used to classify thewoven, nonwoven and knitted fabrics applied for agricultural and horticulturaluses covering livestock protection, shading, weed and insect control, andextension of the growing season. The essential properties required areStrength, elongation, stiffness, porosity, bio-degradation, resistance tosunlight and resistance to toxic environment.
The authorsare associated with the Departmentof Textile Technology, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore