Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1624</Id><Name>Fibre2Fashion</Name><FriendlyName>fibre2fashion</FriendlyName></Author></Authors>

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1624</Id><Name>Fibre2Fashion</Name><FriendlyName>fibre2fashion</FriendlyName></Author></Authors>
Clothes are worn to protect the body from heat, rain, andsimilar other environments. But still fabrics offer too little protection. Exposureto harmful environment damages the skin. Science is coming up with novel ideasfor skin rejuvenation therapies. One such therapy is the use of apparels tosolve skin ailments. A recently launched line of medical silk garments withhydrating abilities, can relieve the irritation caused by skin disorders. Newpolymer technology combined with the expertise of apparel making has come upwith garments comfortable for people suffering from skin ailments.
Hydration is of utmost importance to the skin. This isespecially true for people who have an active lifestyle. Body loses water frombreathing, sweating, and other heavy activities. Human body shows hydrationsymptoms once it loses water volume. On the go, skin hydration can be a bigchallenge. The newly launched garments will keep the skin hydrated, and therebyavoids many of the skin disorders that occur due to dryness of the skin. Theseapparels are based on touch principle wherein, when the body comes in contactwith the cloth, the skin loses toxins, and metabolism is developed. When the clothingis worn, a hydro gel is formed on the surface of the fibre which posses moistureretention capacity, and protects the skin against irritants that cause skinissues. The apparels are made integrating special functions such as flat seamtechnologies, and tailoring the joints in such a way that they do not irritatethe sensitive parts of the body thereby minimizing skin issues.
These therapeutic garments are the first of its kind,attributed to a proprietary biomimetic copolymer matrix. This is strongly boundto the surface of the fabric, and helps in moisture, and temperature controllingskin functions. They tent to improve skin hydration, and moisture regulation,thereby reducing skin irritations. The encompassed virtue of the fabriccontrols the contact between the wearers skin and allergic irritants such aswashing powders, and hence shores up the skins recovery from ailments. Thefunctional features of the apparel assist with the regulation and maintenanceof the wearers body temperature. It increases moisture retention andreplenishment of skin, and restores natural sleep function. Apparels enrichedwith this skin treating abilities are available as bodysuits for babies, tops,leggings, pajamas, and face masks.
This fabric supports healing abilities, and help to relieveitching by improving hydration of the dry skin. It will be a boon for peoplewith sensitive skin.
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