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G. Jayapal Nair

G. Jayapal Nair


Educational Qualification(s)
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering ( Mar Athanasius College of Engineering , Kerala)

Work Experience
22 Years

Area of Specialization
Apparel Manufacturing Operation- Profit Centre Management.

Present Occupation
Management Consultant and Author

Awards and Recognition

G. Jayapal Nair , a  professional with more than 2 decades of experience in  Apparel Manufacturing organizations, successfully held varied portfolios in the Senior management cadre both in India and in the Middle East .  Through his association with many professional companies, he has acquired superlative exposure to managing different organizational functions and objectives  such as Complied & cost effective project set up, High efficient production, Industrial engineering , Automation , Planning , Merchandising , Quality Assurance ,System formulation , Strategies , Training, Administration  and Human Resource Management .

During his last industrial assignment with a renowned apparel manufacturer in  Bahrain  as Assistant Chief Executive Officer, he was instrumental in achieving more than 90% production efficiency consistently , Green Certificate of Compliance from the distinguished customers, and  "Supplier Self-audit certification" from the clients for the  shipment quality. Besides, he held the role of Management Representative to attain certification of renowned standards such as ISO 9001:2008 , OHSAS 18001: 2007 , ISO 14001:2004 at the rarest instant of first time victorious certification audit. 

Backed by his hands-on experience and sharpness in identifying non-value processes he is an advocate of efficiency improvement concepts in Apparel manufacturing Organizations . He strongly believes if a project is well managed with the right perspectives , it can scale beyond efficiency distinctions  consistently .

Currently, he is working as a Management consultant and has the credit of publishing few management articles in the national journals.

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