Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>676</Id><Name>Amit Ruparelia</Name></Author></Authors>

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>676</Id><Name>Amit Ruparelia</Name></Author></Authors>
The Horne Textile manufacturers with an eye for innovationhave successfully explored the traditional textiles and shaped them intosophisticated end-products.
These products not only suit the trendy market and attractthe trendy generation but also have helped in reviving the dying traditionalcrafts.
This artistry has opened a novel pipeline for all the consumersto decorate their home by contemporary designs thereby enriching the interiors.
Leveraging Traditional Strengths
Indian textile history is famed for its heritage, designsand traditional making up skills. The diversity in Indian textile merchandise hascontributed remarkably to garnering worldwide acceptance and local adaptationof the Made-in-India" label. Traditional craftsmanship along with itsdistinctive appeal is being effectively used for producing value-added HomeTextile items leading to Indias growing recognition as a preferredsourcing destination for these products.
The demand for these items from large format retail storesand chain stores is seen as rising with the introduction of exclusive homesections occupying growing floor-space in markets the world over.
To benefit from the long-held legacy of tradition and styles,the Indian entrepreneurs are successfully braving the challenge to contemporizethe traditional made ups and adapt to the global customer needs.
Indias Current Position
The country produces a wide range of fabrics, made-ups andhousehold linen. For a faster growth the exporters must analyse each majorcategory and exploit its full potential. After cotton yarn, home textile is thesecond most important category where India has better competitive advantagesover other countries.
This has become possible as the Indian Horne textilesector has elegantly combined the textile tradition with utilitarian needs ofthe consumers. Cushions, bed sheets, covers, table mats, napkins curtains, etcare produced throughout the country. Each state has its unique contribution inmaking these utilitarian items. Embroideries flourish across the regions andare being diligently used to give an extra edge to the home products line. Itis very essential for the manufacturers to realise the export potential ofthese items while keeping an on the marketability in both domestic and foreignmarkets. The products require not just variability but also specificity interms of its utilitarian value to the end-user, which in turn will lead to theincreased export potential of the particular range.
World trade in textiles in the year 2008 stood at USD 520 billionof which home textiles was USD 2.6 billion, India registered a share of6% in home textile trade.
India is poised to strengthen its position with an over 3 foldjump in exports by 2012. Indias strength is further reinforced by acquisitionsof international brands, manufacturing and retail businesses by leading IndianCompanies.
Strategies to Reform
Considering the advantages of raw material base, designcontent, skilled manpower, the Home Textile Industry can achieve much higher levelsof growth than the present.
The value addition from cotton fibre to home textiles rangesfrom 300 to 600% depending on the Thread Count & the quality of hometextiles.
We need to recognize this aspect and fine tune ourstrategies accordingly.
The Indian Companies are already showing their world classstatus seen in the Heimtextil Fair held in Frankfurt, Germany recently. It washeartening to see at least two leading Indian Companies competing with the bestproducers of branded home products in the world on an equal footing.
More Indian Companies need to present themselves atinternational exhibitions in a befitting manner as producers of brandedproducts.
Towards achieving these goals there is also a need to focus on the following core aspects:
Adding Value to Home Textiles
Modern lifestyles and changing needs do demand a practical approach to home furnishings and textiles. The sense of awareness among the consumers is certainly remarkable and the producers ability to translate, innovate and create has created opportunities for profiting from the growing consumer demand.
The new vistas opened for the home textiles, made ups and accessories markets have paved their way to urban consumers enabling them to enjoy the avant-garde version of cherished traditional craftsmanship.
Finally its the ultimate ability of our entrepreneurial skills to identify and translate these opportunities in creating avenues for a high-value global business.
Indian Horne Textile Industry is on the threshold of tidal wave of growth. India has all the ingredients to emerge as a powerhouse of Home Textiles.
Momentum which has been building up for some time is expected to accelerate to raise India in the league of major Home Textile Producers in the next decade.
The author is Deputy Chairman, Texprocil