Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>2753</Id><Name>Muhammad Mushtaq Mangat</Name></Author></Authors>

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>2753</Id><Name>Muhammad Mushtaq Mangat</Name></Author></Authors>
Source: Textile Review
Application of nano-materials in various fieldsis a solid proof of its acceptance. Technical textile is one ofthe areas which are highly relying on nanotechnologies. Keeping in view itsdemand it is expected that by 2015, its world market size will be more than oneTrillion US $. There are a number of nanomaterials available in market toserve different purposes. These nanomaterials are giving excellent resultsin various fields, which include, medicine, textile, paint, packing, paints,reinforced material, etc.
Nanotechnology is an emerging field which isproducing much attractive and long desired result. It exploits distinctiveproperties of tiny matter, whose size is less than 100 nm. Application ofnano-materials in various fields is a solid proof of its acceptance. Technicaltextile is one of the area which is highly relying on nanotechnologies. Keepingin view its demand it is expected that by 2015, its world market size will bemore than one Trillion US $. There are a number of nano-materials available inmarket to serve different purposes. These nano-materials are giving excellentresults in various fields, which include, medicine, textile, paint, packing,paints, reinforced material, etc. End users are ready to pay extra for suchproducts. Contrary to these advantages a possible hazard is attached with theapplication of nano-materials due to complexity of the materials. Literature isfull of reports and discussions on this topic but still we are far away fromany solid occlusion. Many people are of the view that size and substance ofnano-material is an instrumental factor, which creates doubt about its safeuse. Manufacturers are claiming that there is no harm in using nano-materials,whereas researchers are trying to find out evidence to prove thatnano-materials application can pose a danger for human health. It is inferredfrom the whole discussion that application of nano-material particularly intechnical textile manufacturing is not without danger and not safe at all.However, there is a need of research to find out the ways to have safe applicationof nano-materials
Author is PhD Student, Technical University,Liberec Czech Republic
Originallypublished in &sec=article&uinfo=<%=server.URLEncode(2565)%>">Textile Review: April 2010