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Francesco Morace
President and Founder @ Future Concept Lab

Francesco Morace


Educational Qualification(s)

Work Experience
26 Years

Area of Specialization
Market Research

Present Occupation
President and Founder

Awards and Recognition

Francesco Morace is a Sociologist, writer and journalist. He has been working for 15 years in the sociological and market research field. Currently he is the president of Future Concept Lab. He teaches at Domus Academy and at SDA Bocconi Business School in Milan. As a strategic consulant, he has conducted various seminars and courses in several countries.

Francesco is the author of several books including “Il Senso dell’Italia. Istruzioni per il terzo miracolo italiano” (The Sense of Italy. Instruction for the third Italian miracle, February 2008); “Fashion Subway” (1998, new edition 2002); “Controtendenze” (Contro-trends, 1990), “Chi ha lasciato il segno?” (Who left the sign?, 1987), etc. In addition, he is co-author of: “Consum-Authors: The generations as creative enterprises” (December 2008); “Real Fashion Trends.The cool hunter guide” (October 2007); “Italian Ways. Made in Italy: the six trends and their presence in the world” (December 2003); etc. He writes articles on socio-cultural analysis and trends for several magazines, among them Adv, Dove, Gap Casa, Il Bagno, Psychologies, 7th Floor, etc.

Publications/ Books/ Papers

Francesco is the author of several books including “Il Senso dell’Italia. Istruzioni per il terzo miracolo italiano” (The Sense of Italy. Instruction for the third Italian miracle, February 2008); “Fashion Subway” (1998, new edition 2002); “Controtendenze” (Contro-trends, 1990), “Chi ha lasciato il segno?” (Who left the sign?, 1987), etc. (more on

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