Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>3589</Id><Name>Stefan Sulzmaier</Name></Author></Authors>

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>3589</Id><Name>Stefan Sulzmaier</Name></Author></Authors>
Greater consumer awareness and stricter regulations fromlocal governmental bodies and the European Union has forced the nonwovenindustry to rethink the strategy for products that are likely to be disposed ofin waste water systems. Currently most products contain a high level ofnon-biodegradeable material and do not break up when flushed in the toilet.This means that those products are either held back in the screens of thesewage farms and have subsequently to be disposed of in solid waste streams orif they pass the screens remain in the slurry of the sewage farms and do notdegrade and hence could lead to reduced useability of the slurry as fertiliser.
With this in mind some industry organisations are developingstandards to define the term Flushability. Also some large Brands havedecided to capitalise on this by approaching the market pro-actively with products that are "greener, i.e. show greater environmental responsibility.
About the Author:
StefanSulzmaier is a Business Manager in Kelheim Fibres GmbH, Germany.
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