Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1624</Id><Name>Fibre2Fashion</Name><FriendlyName>fibre2fashion</FriendlyName></Author></Authors>

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1624</Id><Name>Fibre2Fashion</Name><FriendlyName>fibre2fashion</FriendlyName></Author></Authors>
Japan is a country known for itsinnovative technologies, particularly in the field of fabrics. The latestfeather in its cap is Pollen Resistant Jackets. Apparel manufacturer SanyoShokai has released jackets that are pollen resistant. These jackets are madefrom a fabric that resists water and pollen.
Japan is prone to environmentalallergies particularly pollen allergy during the spring time. As gusty wintrywinds begin to breeze, and spring birds begin to chirp, high volume of pollensfrom cypress and cedar trees float across the land and are likely to causeallergies. This is more prevalent in Japan that pollen count has become a partof their weather report. Nearly 50 percent of the Japanese population suffersfrom pollen allergies. This results in red, itchy eyes and continuous sneezing.This occurs normally during the haying season and is called hay fever. It isa normal sight in Japan to see people walking around with surgical masks andplastic goggles. These allergies not only affect people outdoors, but arecontagious to the people indoors also as the pollens settle in their hairs andclothing and are transported inside the house. Pollen Resistant Jackets aredeveloped by Toray, a diversified corporate group who deals with fibresand textiles using nano technology.
The jackets fabric has a highdensity i.e. smooth surface with very little space between the strings. Itconsists of a coating of nano-scale molecular assembly on each of themonofilament that forms the fabric. The fabric undergoes a special resintreatment, of Torays nanomatrix technology that enhances its pollen and waterresistance ability. This technology is named as NanoMATRIX by Toray. Underthis process the material is coated with a material consisting of nano scale molecularassembly on each of the monofilament that is woven into fabric. The applicationof NanoMATRIX is estimated to lead to the development of new functionalities,and amazing improvements in the existing functions in terms of quality, anddurability. This technology is expected to play an integral part inmanufacturing fabrics with good quality, durability and resistance withoutdamaging their texture. Coatings are made in the material in the order of 10to 30nm on the surface, and this controls the state of molecular arrangement oneach monofilament in nano-scale sizes. These jackets are available in stores in Japan for around 35,000 40,000 Yen (US$326).
Japan is seeing a rapidadvancement in the field of nanotechnology. Pollen resistance jackets will helpto restrict the hay fever caused by the allergic pollens of seasonal plants.
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